
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Find true peace of mind with our Zoom meditation salon 🧘🏼‍♂️✨

with Michael Benner 

" Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."

— Leo Tolstoy

Hello AWMS subscriber :

Most people spend their entire adult lives trying to be the character they chose as teenagers. We grow physically and become smarter, but typically, our emotional and spiritual intelligence stagnates.

Meditation is the cornerstone of self-discovery and improvement. Besides self-inquiry, it teaches us to witness our perception of the reflection of our projection rather than remain helpless victims of a life done to us.

The Ageless Wisdom Zoom Salon seamlessly blends personal growth with spiritual enhancement. This weekly class integrates time-tested philosophies with modern methods, providing a deep understanding of self and the universe and fostering significant personal transformation. 

Simply reply to this email to attend our next class free of charge with no obligation to continue. See you soon.

Namaste, Aloha, and Salam,

— Michael


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Duality and Impermanence

with Michael Benner 

"You must discover and develop your persona to transcend it."

Hello AWMS subscriber :

Einstein's famous formula equating energy to mass, E=mc², was definitively proven to be accurate in 2005 in experiments at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It says mass is a measurement of its energy equivalent, or more simply, everything is energy.

Energy vibrates. Its crest and trough (peaks and valleys) form dual polarities like the two ends of a bar magnet. The ebb and flow (rising and falling) of energy is cyclic — always in flux, ever-changing, and therefore impermanent.

In our latest audio podcast from the Ageless Wisdom Mystery School, we'll explore the metaphysics of duality and impermanence — the fact that material objects constantly change and never last, whether solid objects, thoughts, feelings, or satisfaction.

The Ageless Wisdom Mystery School podcast is available wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and on the Ageless Wisdom website.

You are also invited to discover the sanctuary of self-realization in our Ageless Wisdom Zoom Salon, a unique platform that seamlessly blends personal growth with spiritual enhancement. Each Saturday at 11:00 am Pacific, our Zoom group of 12 or fewer cultivates expanded understandings of self and the universe, paving the way for significant personal transformation. 

To learn more, simply reply to this newsletter or leave a voice message at 818-569-3017 (24/7). Thank you.

Namaste, Aloha, and Salam,

— Michael